Tag Archives: dumbarse phrases

Big Fucking Brother and the Sanctity of Life…again…

Those crazy fucking dags Down Under are at it again… From the land that brought you proposed net censorship and videogame bannage comes the government swear jar. Meanwhile in Brazil, we see the results of taking “the sanctity of life” … Continue reading

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Thank God I Apostated!

Thank God I Was Raped That’s some creepy diarrhoeal shit right there… ~MRDA~

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On Apologists for Bullying

Reading reviews for the film If…. on Amazon.com – many of which speak of the boarding school bullying that takes place in the film – reminded me of the oft uttered phrase by some parents and educational authority figures “bullying … Continue reading

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Dumbarse Phrases Revival: Till Death Do Us (Life) Part(ner)?

Which bright spark decided to coin the term “life-partner”? I saw it used on someone’s blog and cringed – again! I mean, why refer to one’s chief romantic tie in such a utilitarian manner? It evokes bad memories of politically … Continue reading

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Protected: Ripping apart more Dumbarse Phrases

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